The SPARK 2022 dataset contains two streams of data.
Stream 1
Spacecraft Detection involves localising and classifying the object by estimating its bounding box and label. Stream-1 dataset is a unique space multi-modal annotated image dataset containing a total of ~110k RGB images of 11 object classes (10 spacecraft and one class of space debris). The data have been generated under a realistic space simulation environment, with a large diversity in sensing conditions, including extreme and challenging ones for different orbital scenarios, background noise, low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and high image contrast that defines actual space imagery.
Stream 2
Spacecraft Trajectory Estimation focuses on Leveraging the knowledge of temporal data to estimate the 6DoF pose of the spacecraft. Stream-2 dataset contains 100+ trajectories (each containing 300 RGB images) of the target satellite “Proba-2” generated under a realistic space simulation environment.